Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nithin's Sister's marriage

It was my first visit to kozhikode to attend Nithin's sister's marriage. It was a much better city than what i expected it to be.
It was much cleaner than trivandrum.

It was embarrassing that only 11 of kazak 2k5 was there for the function. There were about 30-35 guys from TKM (Nithin's college).
It was shameful that many withdrew from the tour at the last moment with no reason at all and some others with f**kin silly reasons. Many made reasons just for the sake of it.

The 11 guys who where there were Abin Babu, Anup venugopal, Yedu Kishan, Binas Basheer, Vishnu JJ, Rejeesh V R, Livin V, Vishnu R P, Vishnu K P, Vineeth V S and myself.

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